Questions and answers
How should I clean the nose piece?
If necessary, use a mild detergent and ordinary tap water.
How should I store Otovent?
When not in use, the nose piece and balloons should be kept away from light in the carry case.
Should I clean the balloon?
Do not clean the balloon. It can be inflated up to 20 times and then it should be replaced.
I can’t get hold of Otovent balloons –
can I use any balloon?
You must only use the balloons included in the Otovent range. These have been designed and adapted to open the Eustachian tube safely.
Can Otovent be used if you have a cold?
Otovent should not be used if your child has a cold, an ear infection or an upper respiratory tract infection.
Does Otovent have side effects?
Otovent is a safe method. In rare cases, there may be transient side effects such as earache, headache, dizziness or nosebleeds.
Why is it important to treat blocked ears?
If the difference in pressure is not equalised by opening the Eustachian tube, fluid can build up behind the eardrum. This is glue ear.
How often should I use Otovent and for how long?
For the first week of treatment, Otovent should be used at least three times a day (morning, midday and evening) blowing up the balloon once per nostril each time. In the second week of treatment, Otovent should be used at least twice a day (morning and evening). Then repeat this process in the same way. It may take a few months to achieve the maximum effect.
Who can use Otovent?
Otovent can be used by children aged 3 and over.
What is Otovent?
Otovent is a medical product designed to gently equalise negative pressure in the middle ear.